Monday, October 20, 2014

Completed the last visit for our new home study last Tuesday.  Working very hard to compile the last of the documents needed for our dear social worker to be able to complete the home study.  Once the home study is completed we will have a payment that needs to be made to the Social Worker for the Home Study. 


The next step after the Home Study is to complete a Supplement 3 application for USCIS.  There should not be a charge for this Supplement 3, as we have never had to submit one before.  Hopefully the wait will not be very long to hear that our new home study information has been accepted. 


Then the next step will be to finish getting together the rest of the documents to send to China.   We are getting close to having all of the documents compiled.  The new agency will take care of all of the State Certifications/Authentications and also the Authentications with the Chinese Consulate.  With the sending of the documents to China (DTC), there is another fee that is due. 


We are needing to continue our fundraising efforts to get the fees together for the Home Study and for the next set of fees for the Dossier to China.  We have a t-shirt fundraiser going on with at:


People interested in helping out can also donate to the following grant: or


We would like to have a pancake breakfast.  The restaurant that was willing to help has changed ownership.  If anyone has any ideas about where to have a fundraiser/pancake breakfast please let me know.  


We have planned a puzzle fundraiser and an online auction.  


Anyone who would like to help with donations toward the Dossier fees, donations can be made directly to:  Living Hope Adoptions in Pennsylvania on the behalf of the Aske Family for Marlee YeHeQin Aske


Thank you all for your interest in following our family's journey as we continue to strive to Move Mountains for Marlee's Miracle.   

Friday, October 10, 2014

Marlee is listed at Linny at Reece's Rainbow.  We have an FSP set up with Reeces Rainbow. Intersted persons can read her information at:


To donate to her grant you can connect to:


Thank you so much for your thoughts, prayers and consideration to contributing on behalf of Marlee "Linny" to help us to bring her home to her Forever Family.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Moving Mountains for Marlee's Miracle

We now have a t-shirt fundraiser.  Check out the T-shirt on Bonfire funds. com